Serving a poor church for the poor

Fratello, in collaboration with dioceses and associations from all over the world, wants to serve at the very heart of the Church, to meet the poorest and give them their rightful place in the Church: the first !

News & Events

L'arrivée de Notre-Dame de Tendresse à Bafia.


Our Lady of Tenderness, Pilgrim of Hope

Our Lady of Tenderness is on her way to console the suffering, pray with them and prepare for the Jubilee! Until the Jubilee (November 2025), 25 STATUES OF OUR LADY OF TENDERNESS WILL BE TRAVELLING THROUGH THE 5 CONTINENTS TO MEET THE MOST SUFFERING COMMUNITIES. Her actions : Objectives: Where will she travel? Wherever the […]


The 8th World Day of the Poor: November 16-17, 2024

Pope Francis’ message Throughout 2024, Pope Francis is proposing a year of prayer for the whole Church, in preparation for the Jubilee. “In this time of preparation, I would greatly desire that we devote 2024, the year preceding the Jubilee event, to a great “symphony” of prayer.  Prayer, above all else, to renew our desire […]


Retrospective 2023

Let’s relive 2023 in pictures… and prepare 2024 together!



“Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor” (Tob 4:7) This, the seventh annual World Day of the Poor, is a fruitful sign of the Father’s mercy and a support for the lives of our communities. As its celebration becomes more and more rooted in the pastoral life of the Church, it enables us to discover ever anew the heart of the Gospel.

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At the end of the Jubilee of Mercy, I wanted to offer the Church the World Day of the Poor, so that throughout the world Christian communities may become ever more and better concrete signs of Christ's charity for the least and for those who are most in need. To the other World Days instituted by my predecessors, which are now a tradition in the life of our communities, I would like to add this one, which brings to their whole a typically evangelical complement, that is, Jesus' predilection for the poor.

Pope Francis

The network serving people in difficulty

Without the daily commitment of associations, parishes and dioceses, Fratello would be nothing. Thank you to everyone who builds a church that cares every day for the little ones.

"Return with Hope!"

Pope Francis, 15 November 2019

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